Privacy Policy

If you are in the EU, please refer to the EU-only Privacy Policy (GDPR).
SWAPSSS SAS (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") SWAPSSS SAS (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") provides corporate support centered on BPO business, overseas support business, web business, and media business.

In the course of our business operations, we collect personal information and specified personal information, etc. (personal information that includes personal numbers and personal numbers) of many customers and employees. Therefore, we will once again protect and manage personal information and specified personal information, etc.) We reaffirm that the protection and management of personal information and specified personal information, etc. is a fundamental responsibility of our company's business activities, and declare that all employees will work on the following items.

  1. We will acquire, use, and provide personal information and specified personal information, etc. in an appropriate manner. In addition, we will not handle personal information or specified personal information, etc. beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of each business, and will take measures to ensure that personal information and specified personal information, etc. are not used for any other purpose.
  2. We will strictly manage personal information and specified personal information, etc., and will not disclose or provide data to third parties unless we have received your prior consent. We will also take appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, loss, alteration, destruction, or leakage of personal information. In the event of an incident or accident such as leakage, we will take immediate action, investigate the cause, and correct the situation.
  3. We will comply with laws and regulations, national guidelines, and other norms regarding the handling of personal information and specified personal information, etc. held by our company.
  4. When we receive complaints or requests for consultation regarding the handling of personal information and specified personal information, etc., we will investigate the details of such complaints or requests and endeavor to handle them promptly.
  5. We will continuously improve our personal information protection management system regarding the management system and structure for the protection of personal information and specified personal information, etc.

Handling of Personal Information and Specified Personal Information, etc.

Name or Designation of Business Operator
Swapsss SAS (K.K.) Tatsuya Baba, Representative Director

Personal Information Protection Manager
Tatsuya Baba, Swapsss SAS (Co., Ltd.)

Purpose of Use of Personal Information and Specified Personal Information, etc.

  • Personal information and retained personal data of business partners will be used to respond to inquiries and communications, to conduct business, and to provide information on new products and services.
  • Customer survey information will be used as "customer testimonials" on our website to provide feedback after using our services. (Except in cases where we have obtained special permission, we will not publish company names, names of persons in charge, or other information that can identify individuals.)
  • Personal information and retained personal data obtained on consignment will be used for the purposes desired by the client.
  • Personal information and retained personal data obtained in the recruitment process will be used for the purpose of handling the recruitment selection process.
  • Employees' personal information and retained personal data will be used for business communication, personnel and labor management (including some outsourcing), and posting of photos and profiles on the Company's website.
  • Specified Personal Information, etc. shall be used only within the scope of the purposes of use stipulated in laws and regulations.

Provision of Personal Information and Specified Personal Information, etc. to Third Parties
We will not provide acquired personal information to any third party, except with the consent of the individual concerned or as required by law. We will not provide the Specified Personal Information, etc. to any third party, except as required by law.
However, with respect to personal information and specified personal information, etc. acquired in connection with the services provided below, there may be cases in which the handling of such personal information and specified personal information, etc. is entrusted to a specific outside contractor.

Outsourcing the Handling of Personal Information and Specified Personal Information, etc.

In order to ensure the smooth execution of our business activities, we may outsource a part of our procedural work to a subcontractor that we deem appropriate from the standpoint of personal information protection.

Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information and Specified Personal Information, etc.
When a customer requests disclosure, etc. (notification of purpose of use; disclosure; correction, addition, or deletion of content; suspension of use; deletion; suspension of provision to third parties) of his/her personal information and retained personal data, the Company will respond to the request within a reasonable scope after confirming the identity of the customer. Disclosure of Personal Information and Retained Personal Data Please refer to "Procedures for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information" for the procedures for disclosure, etc. of personal information and retained personal data.

Please note that any personal information you provide to us is voluntary.
However, please understand that failure to fill in the required fields or inaccurate information may hinder the smooth provision of our services.

Acquisition of Personal Information by Methods Not Easily Recognizable by the Individual
We do not use cookies, web beacons, or any other means to acquire personal information in a manner that is not easily recognizable by the person concerned.

Cookie Policy
A cookie is a mechanism that stores the usage history, input contents, and other information sent and received between your browser and the server as a file on your computer when you use a web page. The next time you access the same page, the operator of the page can use the information in the cookie to change the display for each customer. If a customer's browser is set to allow cookies to be sent and received, the website can retrieve cookies from the user's browser. Note that the customer's browser will only send and receive cookies sent and received by that website's server to protect privacy.

You can choose to "Allow all cookies", "Reject all cookies", or "Notify me when I receive a cookie" for settings related to the sending and receiving of cookies. The setting method varies depending on the browser. Please refer to your browser's "Help" menu for cookie-related settings. Please note that if you choose to reject all cookies, you may not be able to use services that require authentication, or you may be restricted from using various services on the Internet.

<What our web services do with cookies
We use cookies for the following purposes

  • When you log in to the Authentication Service, we refer to your stored registration information so that we can provide you with services customized for you.
  • To display the most appropriate advertisements on other companies' websites based on your interests and usage of our service on their websites.
  • To study the number of users and traffic on our service's website
  • To prompt customers to re-enter (re-authorize) their passwords after a certain period of time has elapsed in order to maintain security.
  • In addition, the Service may store and refer to cookies of the Service via a third party based on the Service's outsourcing of the delivery of advertisements to the third party.

Security Control Measures for Personal Information and Specified Personal Information, etc.
We will take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and specified personal information, etc. that we have obtained, and to correct and otherwise safely manage personal information. Personal information entrusted to us in the course of outsourced operations will be handled in accordance with the terms of the outsourcing agreement after the outsourced operations are completed.
This website uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption.

For inquiries regarding personal information and specified personal information, please contact:
SWAPSSS S.A.S. (Co., Ltd.)
15 Boulevard Daviers 49100 Angers France
Tel:+33(0)9 77 71 08 64